Five Australians have been charged with fraud, cryptocurrency scam and money laundering after tricking more than 100 Australians into handing around $3 million in AUD. Detectives...
As you probably know the stock market went down hard, it’s been one of the I would say shocking pieces of what had happened when Federal...
Iran’s government has officially recognized cryptocurrency mining as an industry. It’s now legal to mine cryptocurrencies in Iran but trading cryptocurrencies would require a license. This...
Domain Registry Services ( fTLD ) will be banning Cryptocurrency and/or virtual currency related companies and services from registering a .Bank and .Insurance domain names. This...
The central bank of China (People’s Bank) announced in a video conference that it will accelerate the pace of research and development of China’s legal cryptocurrency...
During press conference held in Italy on July 18th, Ren Zhengfei, Huawei CEO was asked by Fabio Savelli (an Italian reporter at The Evening Post )...
Good News to John McAfee’s fans. The official twitter account tweeted that John McAfee has been released from detention in Dominican Republic. Leaving detention (don’t judge...
It all started when Rob Benedicto, McAfee’s campaign manager tweeted 14 hours ago that he is suspecting that John McAfee ( The antivirus software pioneer, Crypto...
In a recent press release issued by Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) warned against dealing with Emirate Coin scam that offers Bitcoin cryptocurrency investment plans with...
Tomorrow, Bakkt (The world’s first US regulated bitcoin settled futures) will launch user acceptance testing for it’s Bitcoin Futures. Bakkt is planning to launch two futures...