In a significant stride toward modernization, Brazil is rolling out a novel national identity card system, fortified by the integration of a blockchain network. This innovative...
The Horizen community, get ready to embark on a revolutionary journey in governance as the Horizen DAO steps into the spotlight, as per Horizen’s new announcement....
Eyeball Games, a Singapore-based gaming company, has successfully completed a funding round led by White Star Capital. Notable participants in this round include Polygon Ventures, Immutable,...
Vietnamese authorities have launched an investigation into the activities surrounding the Pi cryptocurrency, citing concerns over its complex and unregulated nature. The Department of Cybersecurity and...
In a recently published case study by the Stellar Foundation, the groundbreaking collaboration between MoneyGram International and the Stellar blockchain has been highlighted. This case study...
In a recently published report titled “Blockchain Industry in Scotland Landscape Overview: Companies, Investors, Influencers and Trends,” Scottish Enterprise unveils an economic forecast indicating that Scotland’s...
IR4LAB, a Saudi-based company at the forefront of disruptive technologies like Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, has announced its expansion into Africa during the prestigious Gitex Africa...
In the midst of Africa’s economic transformation, half of its population resides in countries that have thrived on the continent. With abundant human capital and natural...
Swift, the global provider of secure financial messaging services, is actively exploring blockchain interoperability to address the challenges faced by institutional investors when dealing with tokenized...
Amidst ongoing political and economic instability, Iraq is witnessing a growing interest in harnessing the power of blockchain technology as a catalyst for social change and...